2014 America’s Parade Application

The United War Veterans Council invites your group to apply for the 2014 America’s Parade in New York City on Veterans Day (Tuesday, November 11, 2014)!

To apply, please make sure you have read the application information, then complete and submit the attached form.

Parade Application

  • (please email photos to application@americasparade.org, or to inquire about a purchasing a float, contact us)
  • I, the undersigned, hereby affirm that I am an authorized representative of the above organization regarding its participation in the 2015 America’s Parade (Veterans Day Parade) in New York City on Veterans Day, November 11, 2015. I have reviewed and understand the Parade Information provided on the parade's website, and agree that I and my group will abide by its guidelines and policies. I understand that submission of this application does not guarantee my group's participation, which will be determined upon review of this application, and (if applicable) its adherence to parade rules and policies in past events. I affirm that I and my group understand that the purpose of the Parade is to honor the service of our veterans and members of our military, not to endorse or support any political agenda, and that any individual or group that attempts to use the Parade as a forum for this purpose will be denied participation and will forfeit any expenses incurred.
  • Please type your first and last name to indicate your acceptance of the Agreement and understanding of the Parade Application information.

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